
This weekend, just like last weekend, the weekend before last weekend and many weekends before this.
Unproductive as hell
Seldom will I have my to-do-list done on the weekends, that’s how unproductive I am, you ask me why
Just check out the blue pathetic dustbin in the kitchen that is always filled with leftover/unfinished food waste and wrappings.
I bet this is a cycle that I cannot run away from no matter how hard I try, or maybe I have not tried hard enough.
Whenever I got back home on Friday nights, I will rarely fail to stuff myself with all kinds of food (chocolate moist cake, potato chips, 6 buns with redbean paste, im not done, indoemee, and I cant rmb) This week I have binged and purged since Wednesday/Tuesday I cant remember, but I remember I binged and purged every day since that day. Until Friday night, I cant purge, there is not much reflex when Im trying to induce vomiting. And there comes Saturday I binged and purged twice. One in the afternoon and one at night. Gag reflex getting weaker until at night, I couldn’t get much food purged out. And now im fking bloated, forcing myself to stay up at 2.46am because Im worried that I would get reflux laying on the bed. IM SO FUCKED UP.

About Angeline Lee

Hi there. I'm the creator of all the content. Thank you for dropping by!
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1 Response to z

  1. tatsuki abe says:

    Hello. I know this won’t help much and I know that you know that purging isn’t the best for your body. Sometimes we hurt ourselves and I think it’s a coping mechanism to deal with the things we can’t control in life.

    If you’re stressed and you want to vent to someone who isn’t around you (because I know you’re afraid of affecting people emotionally especially your close ones) you can like… message me. Maybe on Instagram or my email (because… China firewall)

    I’m wishing you well. You will get through this I’m sure, but it would feel horrible until you’re done. Just keep breathing and find your way through. Always ask for help if you need it. I’m sure people like you enough to want to help you 🙂

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